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Barbell Club

Club: Barbell Club

Sponsor: John Gaskell and Scott Mackinnon

Location: Apex Center

Time: Whenever you feel like lifting



This club is not a club where students meet up and work out together.  Instead, it rarely has meetings, but encourages its members to make full and frequent use of the Apex lifting facilities.  Members of the club can often be seen in the Apex, lifting impressive amounts of weight and scarfing protein powder. The club is the product of a merge between the Olympic Weightlifting Club and the Powerlifting Club.  Currently, the officers are focusing on creating meets for the club, balancing weightlifting and powerlifting, and promoting the club as more of a sport.



Students join this club either through a love of the sport, or because they want to gain strength.  Barbell Club is the perfect place for both. Girls and boys are found in

equal numbers in this club, so nobody should discount it for being a ‘boy’s club’ as some in the High School are prone to doing.  The Apex is a free and constantly available resource for all SAS students and should be taken advantage of.

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