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Yoga Club

Club: Yoga Club

Run By: Anjali Mehta

Sponsor: Ms. Pelletier

Location: Ms Strings Room

Time: Wednesdays 3 - 4:15



We begin the session by chatting- Yoga is primarily a girls’ club, and we get along easily.  The small number of us present helps create an easygoing atmosphere as we clear the floor of chairs and music stands.  The room is cavernous, with soaring ceilings covered in yellow tiles like the draped roof of a carnival tent. Ms. Pelletier leaves us to our own devices after passing us her singing bowl.  We unroll our yoga mats, and the lights click off.   Soft ambience music fills the room, birds chirping with the occasional echoing chime.  The only light in the room stems from the yellow-gold fairy lights strung along the wall, glancing off the silver-black chairs and lending the room a warm glow.  The cases of cellos, dark and varnished, watch impassively from their high perches atop the cupboards, like three forgotten idols. Anjali’s voice is peaceful and soothing as she leads us through different positions.  Warrior one, warrior two, triangle. Child’s pose. She alternates between stretches, slow and deep, and poses that are more taxing on the muscles. When we’re having difficulties, she’ll walk around us, straightening a leg here, curving a back there.  The atmosphere is peaceful, and we move at a slow pace, enough for beginners to

keep up. We balance on one leg, and there is no awkwardness or judgement when one of us loses our balance. We lay on our mats afterwards, minds drifting, and often fall asleep to the sound of birdsong and chimes, faces cast in a golden glow.



Students join this club because they want to try yoga, or because it provides them with a place to do yoga with a licensed instructor at no charge.  Students gain flexibility and confidence in their movements through this club, as well as an hour of relaxation in their busy schedules. Their favourite part of the club is definitely the fact that it is held in the dark, as it adds to the relaxing feel of the club, and performing yoga is a lot less awkward when nobody can see you.  The members of the club are good friends, and chat before and after the yoga session. They enjoy meeting each other for a relaxing yoga session every week, and find each other to be excellent yoga buddies.

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